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MEP Norwich 2013
Model European Parliament UK
April 7th–14th 2013
Committee on Foreign Affairs
The question of the involvement of the EU in international conflicts
Should the EU play an important role in international conflicts only after the cessation of hostilities, or should the EU also play a prominent role in situations whilst violence continues, not leaving that task to individual member states or other international players
Committee on Security and Defence
The question relating to the security strategy for the EU
As a result of EU Enlargement, EU borders have shifted further to the South and to the East. Recently neighbouring countries have seen changes in their political systems causing overall concern about human rights and safe governance. To what extent should the EU develop a co-ordinated strategy for dealing with potentially hostile nearby states?
Which extra measures should be taken to ensure EU borders are protected?
Committee on Development
The question relating to sustainable development
The EU spends a large amount of its budget each year on helping the developing world. This, coupled with the financial crisis, has led to greater emphasis on aid with a sustainable target. What can the EU do to promote sustainable development in spite of the different priorities and budgets of each member state? What strategies could be implemented to ensure that a unified approach is developed?
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
The question relating to social reforms
Integration within the EU is an on-going process. Under these circumstances should countries with lower unemployment be worried about the higher unemployment figures in other member states? How could social problems such as unemployment be effectively addressed at an EU-wide level?
Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
The question relating to the future of European healthcare systems
Although the EU has set out its own Health Strategy, member states still currently have control of their own health policy. To what extent should member states retain control over health policy? What strategies could the EU implement to regulate healthcare systems across the EU to ensure citizens receive the best treatment regardless of boundaries?
Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
The question relating to energy efficiency
The EU spends 400 billion Euros per year on importing energy supplies. As part of the European Commission’s “Roadmap for moving to a low-carbon economy”, how realistic is it to reduce EU emissions by 20% by 2020 and by 80-95% by 2050. What can nations do to reduce their own energy consumption and meet EU targets? Are green energy alternatives a viable cost-effective option to traditional gas and oil imports and is technology advanced enough to successfully achieve EU targets?
Committee on Culture and Education
The question relating to the modernisation of higher education
The EU maintains a commitment to improving the education of young people and encouraging social mobility. In support of this, the EU runs several programmes such as the Erasmus programme and “Youth on the Move”. What can the EU do to make sure that education and mobility of young people is indeed improved? Should there be an EUwide education policy to ensure the same standards in education and skills for those wishing to work within the EU?
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (I)
The question relating organised crime
What can be done to ensure that internal security in the EU is maintained, given the increasingly sophisticated methods of international criminals? What policies can be implemented to guard EU citizens against terrorism and organised crime whilst upholding fundamental human rights?
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (II)
The question of increasing scepticism and nationalist tendencies in EU member states
What can be done to bring Europe closer to its citizens and reinvigorate their commitment to an ever closer union? Is more "flexibility", as opposed to "one size fits all" required in the EU, or does that risk creating an increasing "Europe à la carte", where members states pick and choose from the EU menu what they consider in their interest?
Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
The question relating to gender equality in the EU
Despite progress, women across Europe still hold very few senior management positions and earn significantly less on average than men. What can the EU do to ensure equality for women in terms of pay and opportunities? To what extent does this relate to the differing status of women within the cultures of member states?