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MEP Vilnius 2013
Model European Parliament Lithuania
November 30th — December 7th 2013
Saturday 30 November
- Arrival of the EU delegations in Lithuania
- Delegates have dinner and spend the evening with their host families
Sunday 1 December
- Teambuilding programme
- Committee meetings
- Delegates have dinner and spend the evening with their host families
- Cultural programme for teachers
Monday 2 December
- Opening Ceremony Model European Parliament Lithuania
Mrs. Judita Akromienė, Model European Parliament Lithuania
Mrs. Anna van Sminia-Meijerink, Secretary General MEP Foundation
Mrs. Dalia Grybauskaitė (to be confirmed), President of the Republic of Lithuania
Mr. Algirdas Butkevičius (to be confirmed), Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania
Mr. Vydas Gedvilas, Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
Mr. Dainius Pavalkis, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania
Mr. Alvydas Pumputis (to be confirmed), Rector of Mykolas Romeris University
Heads of delegation of the member states and candidate - countries
Mr. Daniel Kratkovski, President of the General Assembly of the Model European Parliament Lithuania
- Committee meetings
Tuesday 3 December
- Committee meetings and meeting correction panel, presidency and committee presidents
- Cultural programme for delegates and teachers in the evening
Wednesday 4 December
- Cultural visit to Grūtas Park
- Lobbying in Druskininka
- Delegates and directors/teachers are received and have dinner in their respective embassies
Thursday 5 December
- General Assembly at Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
Mr. Algirdas Butkevičius (to be confirmed),Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania
Mr. Artūras Zuokas (to be confirmed), Mayor of Vilnius
- Delegates and directors/teachers are received and have dinner in their respective embassies.
Friday 6 December
- General Assembly at Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
- Closing Ceremony Model European Parliament Lithuania
Mrs. Dalia Grybauskaitė (to be confirmed), The President of the Republic of Lithuania
Mrs. Anna van Sminia-Meijerink,Secretary General of the Model European Parliament Foundation
Miss Roberta Burinskaitė, Model European Parliament Lithuania
Mr. Daniel Kratkovski, President of the General Assembly of Model European Parliament Lithuania
- Dinner and farewell party
Saturday 7 December
- Departure of the delegations