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Committees & Issues - MEP Salzburg 2025
1 Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)
The question of tech monopolies
Recently, the European Union has started to issue heavy fines and changing regulations to crack down on monopolistic tactics of several tech and social media companies that prevent competition and deliberately limit the choices and opinions of consumers.
How can the Union further protect consumers and tech companies alike from unfair competition by multi-billion corporations while also ensuring that it does not breach free market laws and non-governmental intervention?
Preparation: Fact File, Prep Module
2 Committee on Transport/Committee on Environment and Public (TRAN/ENVI)
The question of reducing the CO2 emissions from the transportation sector
Almost a quarter of the EU’s carbon dioxide emissions come from the transportation sector.
What measures need to be taken to reduce the emissions in transportation?
Preparation: Fact File, Prep Module
3 Committee on Employment (EMPL)
The question of skills mismatch in the European Union
The issue of skills mismatch in the EU’s internal market has been increasing. According to OECD reports, approximately 80 million European workers possess skills that are incompatible with their jobs, leading to either overqualification or underqualification.
How can educational policies across the EU adapt to the changing environment of the EU’s internal market? What changes can be introduced to schools and universities to ensure an effective absorption into the job market?
Preparation: Fact File, Prep Module
4 Committee on Public Health (SANT)
The question of digital technology's impact on EU citizens’ mental health
Digital technology has become an increasingly big part of our personal and professional lives, as well as of our health care systems. Developments and technologies such as social media, electronic health records, apps, Artificial Intelligence (AI), telehealth and games all bring new opportunities and risks to mental wellbeing and the mental health care field. The impact of these risks and opportunities is likely to be unevenly distributed across the population.
How can the EU provide the necessary measures to minimize negative impact of digital technology and promote positive opportunities in an equal and inclusive way?
Preparation: Fact File, Prep Module