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MEP Vienna 2014
MEP – Ball for Peace
4th April, 2014
4th April, 2014 - 20:30 h
Palais Schönburg
Rainergasse 11, 1040 Vienna
A glamorous occasion and farewell event at the end of the MEP Vienna 2014 session.
It also marks the beginning of the MEP re-union weekend which will see the return of many a former MEP coordinator, president, committee president and delegate from all over Europe coming to Vienna to celebrate the MEP's 20th birthday.
Join us for an unforgettable night full of Viennese ball traditions. Dance the waltz and enjoy.
Charitable cause
As this is the centenary year of the outbreak of WWI we are aware of the human tragedies in war torn countries on our planet. We would like to call for peace in the world today.
Proceeds from all raffle ticket sales will go to a charity supporting Syrian refugees in distress.
Dress code
The ball is a Black Tie event!
Please dress accordingly
Please contact us for further information!
Tickets at € 25,- for guests. Reservations necessary.