With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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Committees & Issues - MEP Kärnten 2021

Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)

The question of digital answers to an ageing population:

Faced with an increasing median age and prospects of over 15% percent of the EU population being above 80 in the year 2100, what can the EU do to keep the economy strong despite a shrinking workforce? How can digital innovation reduce the impact of an economic decline, a collapse of the pension system and minimise old-age poverty, especially for women?

Preparation: EMPL prep module

2 Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

The question of (social) media freedom and democracy

In light of recent developments across Europe and the USA, what can the EU do to promote media and social media pluralism and protect its democracy and political institutions? To what extent should the EU regulate mediadis/misinformation leading to the polarisation of politics and society.  How can the EU ensure media freedom without infringing on the freedom of speech?

Preparation: LIBE prep module

3 Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)

The question of Sino-European relations

In consideration of the latest developments in China in terms of human rights violations and increasing surveillance, how should Sino-European trade relations look in the future? Are sanctions the only way the EU can influence developments? Which diplomatic actions should the EU take and to what extent should the EU increase its (economic) involvement with China?

Preparation: AFET prep module

Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)

The question of a Circular Economy

With climate change continuing to be one of the most important issues both in the EU and worldwide and about 7 billion tons of garbage estimated to be dumped into oceans annually, what can the EU do to improve the implementation of a more circular economy? How can the EU promote climate-friendly behaviour from multinational companies whilst still maintaining economic growth? Which measures can the EU take to resolve this global issue?

Preparation: ENVI prep module