With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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Committees & Issues - MEP Burgenland 2020

Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)

The question of dealing with greenhouse gas emissions from livestock:

Livestock production: a leading contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and a leading cause of deforestation and water pollution. Should European countries like the recent example of the Netherlands take steps to reduce the environmental impact of the livestock industry, and if so, how can the potential economic implications for farmers be offset?

Preparation: ENVI Fact File, ENVI Prep Module

Committee on Culture and Education (CULT)

The question of dealing with the challenges posed by the inclusion of migrant youths in the economy and society:

With Europe faced with an increasingly ageing society how can migrant youths whether asylum seeker, non-EU and EU be better integrated into the education, training and employment? In Europe’s continued quest to be the world’s Nr 1 knowledge-based economy and society, how can governments guarantee that no young person is left behind, but rather that his/her full potential is tapped?

Preparation: CULT Fact File, CULT Prep Module

Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)

The question of dealing with employment challenges posed by digitalisation:

With the increasing spread of automation and digital technologies (eg. internet of things) replacing many low to middle-skilled jobs, how can the EU Member States ensure employment in increasingly difficult economic times?

Which measures can be taken to avoid large-scale unemployment?

Preparation: EMPL Fact File, EMPL Prep Module

4 Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN)

The question of dealing with mass tourism in UNESCO protected heritage sites and monuments:

As the tourism industry continues to expand and place an unsustainable burden on Europe’s cultural heritage sites, how can EU governments protect their heritage sites and monuments while enabling visitors’ accessibility. Which measures can be taken to ensure the preservation of the sites and the livelihood of citizens dwelling in the surrounding areas? 

Preparation: TRAN Fact File, TRAN Prep Module