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MEP Salzburg 2014
13. Nationale Sitzung des
Model European Parliament Austria
Salzburg 23.–26.1.2014
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
The question of youth employment:
the necessity of a common effective EU policy to dispel the fear of unemployment among young people.
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
The question of safe Internet use:
How can the EU ensure a safer Internet for its youth? What measures can be taken to reduce the impact of cyber-bullying, internet grooming and unregulated social networking sites on the life of young people without violating the right to free speech and freedom of information?
Committee on Public Health and Food Safety
The question of the protection of citizens from their own vices, such as alcohol and nicotine, unhealthy food, etc.:
Should the state/the EU intervene or should citizens take their own decisions regarding their health and welfare.
Committee on Environment, Research and Industry
The question of how EU countries can secure sustainable energy supplies and independence from foreign fossil fuels imports.