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MEP Salzburg 2014
13th National Session
Preparation Links
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Leonie Scheffenbichler (SZ), Simon Stolba (W), Erik Sulimma (W)
Dear Committee, here are some links to read before the Salzburg session:
Most important link, please do absolutely read. It is about the general dangers children face when using the internet. This link is important to understand the topic in general
General knowledge about Internet safety in different countries
Website of a German initiative for safer internet use
European online resolutions especially regarding the Europe 2020 goals
Useful links especially regarding safe internet use for kids
Same as above
Facts and options on what to do about cyberbullying, as it is a very (!) important topic when talking about Internet safety
Strategies on how to stay safe on the internet- please read and try to implement the tips in our resolution
One more link about cyberbullying. Here you will find useful stuff about protection against it
What parents can do about cyberbullying- please pay attention „Cyberbullying in numbers“
VERY useful facts and figures, please do read the full document if you have the time