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MEP Salzburg 2014
13th National Session
Preparation Links
Committee on Public Health and Food Safety
Gallus Vögler (VBG), Johannes Musger (ST), Rebecca Goesker (LA)
Dear Delegates of the Model European Parliament 2014 in Salzburg,
We, the Committee Presidents, are proud to welcome you to the MEP-Family. From now on you are part of a huge network of great people. You will meet new people, discuss various topics in the committees and if you participate in an international MEP session you are able to visit foreign countries and meet even more people from all Europe.
Your committee is the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety: The question of the protection of citizens from their own vices, such as alcohol and nicotine, unhealthy food, etc.: should the state/the EU intervene or should citizens take their own decisions regarding their health and welfare.
In order to prepare you for the committee work, we, the CP’s, wrote up some useful links for you. Please use these links to prepare yourself and to get an insight into the topic. Of course you are free to use other means of information, such as magazines, documentaries, articles etc. Since writing a good resolution is a lot of hard work, it is essential to be well prepared, highly motivated and to be willing to work together as a team.
We hope our links are useful for your preparation and we are looking forward to meet you at the 13. National Model European Parliament in Salzburg.
We don’t want to give you too many preparation links, but please read the few we wrote out for you very carefully.
Firstly here are some links to get an overview of the topic:
Your main topics are going to be alcohol, tobacco and unhealthy food. Here are some links concerning these topics:
http://ec.europa.eu/health/archive/ph_determinants/life_style/alcohol/documents/alcohol_europe_en.pdf Don’t be shocked by the number of sites this document contains, you only have to read the recommendations starting at page 415. They will be useful for your resolution
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vti9cTZiuD4 (Watch from minute 30:30-43:20)
Nutrition & Physical Activity:
Comparison of EU member states:
http://www.protection-of-minors.eu/index_en.html (compare youth protection laws of member states)